
Before creating a release, the version number needs to be updated in praxes/ Ensure that the Praxes source directory appears on the $PYTHONPATH, so the package version numbers will be advertised correctly for the installers and the documentation.

Creating Source Releases

Praxes is distributed as a source release for Linux and OS-X. To create a source release, just do:

git tag v{X}
git push --tags

This automatically creates links to download the source release at the Praxes downloads page.

Creating Windows Installers

Open a DOS window, cd into the praxes source directory and run:

python bdist_wininst

This creates the windows installer in the dist/ directory, which can then be uploaded to the Praxes downloads page.

Publishing Praxes’ documentation

When publishing a new release, the Praxes doumentation needs to be generated and published as well. Sphinx is required to build the documentation. First, run:

git clean -fdx

Then, in the doc/ directory, run:

make html

Next, move to the master branch of the repository, and run:

cp -r ../praxes/doc/_build/html/* .
git status

Use git add to add any new files to the repository, and then commit and push the changes to the upstream praxes repository:

git commit -a -m "meaningful commit message"
git push

and visit the Praxes documentation page to view the documentation.