
Praxes depends on a few python packages, most of which can be installed on Linux using the distribution’s package manager, or on Mac OS X with MacPorts. Note to windows users: you may need to run .exe installers as administrator by right-clicking on them and choose “run as Administrator”). Check that you have the following installed:

  1. Python (version 2.6.x or 2.7.x. May already be installed on Linux)
  2. Cython (version 0.15 or later, only required for Mac OS X and Linux)
  3. NumPy (version 1.5.1 or later) [1]
  4. PyQt4 (version 4.5.2 or later) [2]
  5. PyMca (version 4.4.0 or later) [3]
  6. matplotlib (1.1.0 or later) [1]
  7. h5py (2.1.0 or later) [1], [4]
  8. quantities (optional, only required by physref package)
  9. Praxes

To install Praxes on OS X or Linux, download the source tar.gz file, unpack it, and run the following in the source directory:

python build && sudo python install


[1](1, 2, 3) Windows installers for 64-bit Python environments can be found here
[2]May require installing Qt on Mac, and development tools like pyqt4-dev and pyqt4-dev-tools through the package manager on Linux.
[3]Mac and linux users please install from source: e.g. pymca4.4.1-src.tgz. Windows users should follow the PythonPackages link, and download the file that includes the platform and python version in the name: e.g.
[4]May require installing hdf5 on Linux and OS X, and development libraries like libhdf5-dev if installing with a packager manager on some linux distributions.